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Can We Incentivize More Trust with Collaboration in Design?

In this episode, I had the pleasure of having a really fun conversation coshosting a show Bill Debevc, host of the BIM Thoughts. Malachy Mathews is the Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture, Technological University Dublin, Ireland and Leader for BIM, Blockchain and Collaborative Teaching and Learning. Research Activities include; BIM Pedagogy BIM Anthropology…

Linking Technology Together to Reinvent Real Estate

Guests From Deloitte: Anthony Day, COO of Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab Jacob Boersma, Netherlands Blockchain Team Leader at Deloitte Jan Willem Santing, MRICS, Senior Manager of Real Estate at Deloitte Financial Advisory BV and Product Owner for Smart Buildings Blockchain Proposition We discussed connecting with collaborative technologies in order to improve business decisions including wellbeing, talent acquisition,…

How Blockchain Can Accelerate the Adoption of Integrated Project Delivery

At the 20th annual LCI Congress, James Pease and Brittanie Campbell-Turner present on the topic of “How to Increase Adoption of the IPD Model by Using Blockchain.” In this presentation, James and I talked about how it’s unquestionably the future to incorporate blockchain and smart contracts with construction contracting. In this presentation, we focus on…

Leadership by the Seat of Your Pants..? There Is a Better Way

Jean-Marc Legentil with Bell Nordic Council Clifton Cole with Penta Building Group Henry Nutt with Southland Industries Matt Graetz with Blattner Energy I see this year, 2019, as the year of leadership. Which comes with humility and self-awareness, with the ability to Return back to joy. It comes with vulnerability and transparency. It comes with…

Team Alignment on Complex Projects

This is a special episode, focused on the Team. I must give a special thank you to my guests where they discussed the importance of leadership and developing safe social constructs in order to create resilient, humble and effective teams. Teams that can create clear goals and reach them. So you’ll be hearing from a collection…